Most minimum wage jobs are entry level positions teaching basic skills to people who are unskilled or inexperienced in that field. Learning these skills at a minimum wage job can then help them improve their skills leading to make more money.
As of January 1, 2017, the minimum wage in Massachusetts is $11 per hour. At C.M. Cleaning we pay our cleaners more than the minimum wage requirement because of the benefits we feel can come from paying staff higher amounts for entry level positions that don’t require a college or sometimes even a high school degree.
Earning higher wages boosts employee satisfaction with a company and creates a higher morale. In most cases this translates into kind and pleasant behavior that customers will respond positively to, making everyone satisfied. Being paid higher than minimum wage boosts productivity and motivation. In the case of the cleaners at C.M. Cleaning the product of their cleaning will be better than companies that pay minimum wage since they are earning more they want to strive to provide better work for the customers.
When employees are earning more it makes them want to stay loyal to the company that they are at because they know that the company knows they can provide better outcomes than other companies and their workers. It makes a mentality of treating employees like family and that they want to stay because they feel welcomed and their work is valued.